We know the importance of making sure our students feel at home.
All students board at ASA during term time. We know the importance of caring for our students and making sure every single one of them feels at home. We have a strong pastoral team and every member of staff is expected to look out for the students and be approachable. Students will feel comfortable to discuss any issues of pastoral or academic concern.
Two experienced house-matrons are present to look after students and respond to their needs. We also have progression mentors on campus caring for our students, acting as role models and providing academic support. The school is located in close proximity to a high-quality hospital and clinic, where every student is registered on arrival.
Students live in a highly secure, well-furnished dormitory. The campus also has casual areas for students to relax and unwind in an informal setting.
If you have any questions about the school, please contact us at info@africangifted.org.
“Being at ASA was an incredible experience. We did more than learning; it was a combination of learning and acquiring new skills outside of our studies, like the art of public speaking”.
—Mercy, Ghana, ASA Class of 2017